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woodWOP 8 - New functions. Infinite options!

woodWOP, the CNC programming system from HOMAG Group AG, is entering the next round. Version 8 is fresh and up-to-date, with many new features and updates available for customers.

  • Experience the latest generation of the woodWOP HOMAG CNC programming software, with its new memory format. Learn about all of the improvements and enhancements.

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  • woodWOP 8 – Keynote
    woodWOP 8 – Keynote
  • Variable tables - Simplified operation thanks to form view and additional help graphics.
    Variable tables - Simplified operation thanks to form view and additional help graphics.
  • All the operations for edge banding are generated automatically after defining the contours and corners.
    All the operations for edge banding are generated automatically after defining the contours and corners.

The success story began in 1991 and now spans over 30 years. During this time, more than 30,000 machines have been equipped with woodWOP and 60,000 licenses have been sold to satisfied customers. Since its launch, woodWOP has been developed in Germany. With woodWOP, there is an almost immeasurable wealth of experience that is unparalleled in the wood processing industry..

At the heart of this easy-to-use software is the innovative large graphic area in which the workpiece is displayed in three dimensions. Trimming and drilling or saw cuts are programmed quickly and easily by entering the machining parameters and are displayed realistically in the graphic.

woodWOP 8 - Further joint development with feedback from the field

The upcoming version 8 offers a number of new functions that were developed together with carpenters. HOMAG has always excelled at involving customers and listening to the target group, and this has also been taken to heart in the further development of this software. The focus here is on practical wizards for convenient processing, which make working with woodWOP 8 even more convenient, user-friendly and ultimately faster.

The most important innovations of woodWOP 8 at a glance

Contour Wizard - Improved support for beginners

New workpieces can be programmed here more conveniently in the future. For example, template files will be stored for circles, L-shapes or other curved components. This is a significant advantage in terms of time savings and a clear reduction in hurdles when starting out.

Feature recognition - Automatic identification of holes, slots and grooves in a 3-D workpiece model

Not only holes, but also grooves and slots are directly recognized in 3-D bodies and the appropriate machining macro is generated for automatic subsequent machining. This represents a significant acceleration in the conversion from CAD import to the machining program. The optimal use of existing data is ensured.

Variable tables - Simplified operation thanks to Formular view and additional help graphics

The variable table is extended and upgraded by some new possibilities. Minimum and maximum values can be defined, selection lists can be created and help graphics can be stored for illustration. New properties such as "Hide" (hide line) and "Boolean" (input via checkbox) but also two views, the list view and form view, make programming clearer. The process is faster and incorrect operation is avoided!

Gluing Wizard - New tool for efficient programming during edge banding

The gluing wizard is integrated directly into woodWOP with the release of woodWOP 8. All work steps for edge banding are generated automatically after defining the contours and corners. The revised technology database provides support for situation-dependent inputs, C-angles and heating power. The import of edge images from external CAD systems is also possible with the new Wizard. An even faster creation of programs with edge gluing is ensured.

Formula Wizard with advanced options for advanced users

The new formula wizard makes creating formulas extremely easy. The user has everything in view in the multi-line formula field. Building blocks such as mathematical functions, variables and conditions are at the user's fingertips for assembling his formulas. The formula components are highlighted in color. In this way, even complex formulas are clearly displayed. Not only the formula result, but also partial results can be calculated. This comfortable added value during input supports the simple creation of extensive and variable programs.

Mass changes make adjustments in the program quick and easy

With the transfer of parameter values, mass changes to macros can be made quickly and easily in just a few clicks in four steps.

  1. Make changes in a macro.
  2. Transfer one or all parameters to the parameter clipboard.
  3. Select all other macros to be changed.
  4. Inserting the parameter value(s). Short, fast and efficient.

Significant development leap

Many new functionalities make operation even easier with woodWOP 8. This new development step has been well thought out and significantly supports the user in the design process. The new or updated functionalities bring great added value and, like all previous versions of woodWOP, are intuitive to use.Time savings with an increase in functionality characterize woodWOP 8.

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