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Special Offer: The App-Plus Package, free with every new HOMAG machine

our App-Plus Package , you can test the full version of various HOMAG apps free of charge throughout the warranty period of your new HOMAG machine. This means that nothing stands in the way of your entry [...] entry into the digital world of woodworking. Enjoy the advantages contained in these HOMAG apps without obligation. As part of the App-Plus Package , you will receive five selected apps for each new machine:

Furniture assembling made as simple as a click

inserted during the profiling of the panels through HOMAG’s machines, thus minimising additional steps needed and reducing the set-up time. Goh Kun Wha, HOMAG Asia area product manager for flooring and click [...] from the flooring sector where click systems have long been established. For more than 25 years, HOMAG has been developing and constructing machines in several performance classes for floor-click and wall [...] panels profiles, and working with the licensors of click profiles. It was the expertise and knowledge HOMAG has had in making click solutions more efficient for furniture manufacturers that drove the company

HOMAG Panel Dividing: Name changes in the panel saw and storage technology sector

features at your leisure in our keynote on Live.HOMAG: DE: EN: [...] — e.g. STORETEQ P-520 Portfolio expansion: HOMAG STORETEQ F-100 single-axis feeder The SAWTEQ S-300 panel saw "saws new standards" At this year's LIGNA, HOMAG will be presenting the new SAWTEQ S-300 series [...] position on the pressure beam and intelliGuide, HOMAG guarantees the most intuitive and convenient operation on the market. Performance is still an asset: HOMAG has increased performance again by up to 20%

EUR 20,000 invested sustainably – "Beds4Poor" — HOMAG Cares donation for Tanzania

somewhere appropriate to sleep. With its Christmas donation, HOMAG wanted to change that and supply people in Tanzania with locally produced beds. HOMAG's objective was to make a sustainable investment, which [...] The "Beds4Poor" initiative At HOMAG, everything revolves around furniture — something that is often alien to the people in Kidatu. Where as those in wealthy parts of the world think about design, surfaces [...] children in Kidatu have no access to education and the level of poverty is high. The donation from HOMAG is being used locally by the organization "Future Chances – For Kids and Poor in Tanzania (ped-world

HOMAG Treff 2024: Where sawdust flies and inspiration lands

is gaining more momentum. As a result, the HOMAG portfolio of apps and software solutions is also growing and constantly evolving. At the HOMAG Treff, HOMAG will present new functions in various apps that [...] The HOMAG teams for software and service as well as numerous industry exhibitors and partner companies, including BENZ Tooling, DÜRR AG, tapio and others, will also be there. In short, the HOMAG Treff [...] will be presented. The CNC highlights at HOMAG Treff 2024 are: The DRILLTEQ D-110 CNC drilling and dowel inserting machine, which is the latest addition to the HOMAG line-up. It is the new entry-level machine

Go for digitalization with HOMAG: TF Bern shows how it's done!

time now with an eye to the future — with digital solutions from HOMAG playing a major role: "The apps and digital assistants from HOMAG are an integral part of our training curriculum from the very beginning [...] several years ago. The apps and digital assistants from HOMAG were exactly what the technical college was looking for. As a pilot customer for HOMAG, Andreas Dürner started this transformation by gradually [...] problems, as HOMAG digital products can be easily integrated into existing software landscapes," says Marc Kammermann, Vocational Trainer and Head of the Technical Office. The entire HOMAG app portfolio

Berufskolleg: Unparalleled networking of the training workshop

cutting patterns then go to the vertical panel saws equipped with the HOMAG CUBE. As a result of the space available, there are no HOMAG panel dividing saws, but this isn't a problem: The cutting assistant [...] confirmed by pupils, students and Stephan König. Collaboration with HOMAG is similarly simple: "We feel perfectly supported by HOMAG," the department head continues. We can therefore look forward to seeing [...] keyword — especially in the wood technology training workshop. This is where modern machines from HOMAG are used, in addition to apps and digital assistants . Everything from A to Z: From the digital job

Tradition meets high tech: Joinery Koch produces “historic” windows for the Römer building in Frankfurt

fittings. This is why, supported by HOMAG Sales Partner Dr. Keller, the Kochs have placed their trust not only in the BOF 211 but also other machines from the HOMAG Group portfolio. These include an Optimat [...] of this traditional joinery business improved practically overnight once it had installed the new HOMAG BOF 211 processing center. Koch is now able to tackle commissions it would previously have considered [...] company’s continuous drive toward modernization was to invest in a BOF 211 processing center from HOMAG in July 2011. The new machine not only resulted in changes to the production process but also helped

Maßarbeit – Issue 5 | 2021

standing still in many ways, we won't let that affect us. We have a HOMAG year full of innovations ahead of us. It starts with our Live.HOMAG event in Horb and Holzbronn. There we will be presenting exciting [...] about bespoke cardboard boxes for the workshop, our sorting assistant and the fixed price for the HOMAG repair service. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine Karl-Heinz Brauneisen Sales manager for southern

HOMAG Service — Benefit for a lifetime. Now even more individual and with new products.

processes. HOMAG is gradually increasing performance, making processes more efficient, offering faster help, and providing sustainable availability and modern knowledge management. This is the HOMAG understanding [...] faster than ever Two top apps for quick help in an emergency — now immediately available on delivery HOMAG Academy is showing an unprecedented way in which employees can continue to receive first-class training


Searching for spare parts?

Spare parts can be found in our HOMAG eShop.