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Displaying results 761 to 770 of 800.

2 birds with one stone — cutting and element production in one machine

projects in the future. The market will take us in the right direction We're ready." Source: Innovation (HOMAG Schweiz) and holzbaumarktSchweiz Image rights: Josef Lehmann Holzbau AG, CH-5425 Schnelsingen

Creators of living spaces

industrial production in batch size 1, production here is carried out using a completely interlinked HOMAG system. Integrated in the production concept are a storage system, two saws, a layer storage unit

Vorfertigung von Wandelementen in den USA

by this type of on-site work. Stiles Machinery is the exclusive sales and service company of the HOMAG Group in North America. The Stiles team engineered the factory layout and improved the manufacturing

Investment in the future

currently employing 15 people. At its 500 m² site, the company produces staircases and furniture with a HOMAG CENTATEQ P-120 processing center. The carpentry area of the business involves constructing detached

Why invest in zero joint

operators, too. All in all, little maintenance is needed, and if we needed it we got great support from Homag.” Even though edgebanders featuring hot air technology are still relatively new to the Australian

When a progressive furniture production concept becomes reality

completely rebuilt. Production planning was closely coordinated with the desired machine supplier, HOMAG Group. In order to accomplish the production conceptincluding adjustments to the automation, many

Neue Fabrikplanung & neue Halle: Möbelhersteller wächst durch Mut

investment stage was installed – a new angular panel cutting plant including automatic storage from Homag. Relocation in this extent should not be underestimated. Jonathan Glick looking back: “It is the worst

Digital production, automation and perfect edge quality with the EDGETEQ S-500 series

equipped with DIA tools. A high degree of flexibility in gluing is achieved by the combination of the HOMAG airTec zero joint technology with the gluing unit for processing EVA and PUR hot-melt glues. The PUR

Demystifying the path towards Batch Size 1 Production

still focused on traditional mass production,” said Pfetzing. Wolfgang Neeser, managing director of HOMAG Asia, pointed out that the batch size 1 trend is growing steadily, especially in more “advanced” countries [...] leverage sub-contractors to release some of their production load, said Ridwan Aziz, country manager of HOMAG Indonesia. “In addition, poor production planning may result in over or under estimation of raw material

Edge banding machines EDGETEQ S-370

The next generation of Edge banding machines. The EDGETEQ S-370 series is characterized by its comprehensive equipment standard: Stable basic machine with sliding chain for high processing quality, to


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Spare parts can be found in our HOMAG eShop.